This page is about preparing, collecting and shipping rivers to the River Mixer as a volunteer. Please read on and contact us using the form below before getting started.
Hello! Thanks for considering getting wet with the River Mixer. Please note, we do not collect the same river twice. Confirm the river you want to submit is needed before committing to volunteer.
What you’ll need:
Optional (for situations with difficult access):
Why the bucket and rope?
City embankments, docks, and watercraft can make it dangerous to lean over to collect water. A bucket and rope allow you to safely scoop water from a distance. Simply dip the bucket to fill it, then pull it up with the rope. Transfer the collected water to your secure bottle.
Safety first! Avoid leaning precariously near the water’s edge.
Leave name and contact phone number and let us know which river you want to collect and river location (i.e. country). If you’re interested in a membership, use this form instead.
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