This page is about preparing, collecting and shipping rivers to the River Mixer as a volunteer. Please read on and contact us using the form below before getting started.

Hello! Thanks for considering getting wet with the River Mixer.  Please note, we do not collect the same river twice. Confirm the river you want to submit is needed before committing to volunteer. 

What you’ll need:

  • Empty, sturdy water bottle (500 ml / 16 oz.) with a deep screw-on lid (shallow lids can break)
  • Mobile phone (for emergencies)
  • Towel and bag (to dry yourself and store the wet bottle)
  • Small shipping box or sturdy container (to protect your phone and belongings)
  • Newspaper or other cushioning material (to pad the box)
  • Packing tape (to secure the box)

Optional (for situations with difficult access):

  • Bucket and rope

Why the bucket and rope?

City embankments, docks, and watercraft can make it dangerous to lean over to collect water. A bucket and rope allow you to safely scoop water from a distance. Simply dip the bucket to fill it, then pull it up with the rope. Transfer the collected water to your secure bottle.

Safety first! Avoid leaning precariously near the water’s edge.

  1. Find a safe location with river access, use a bucket and rope when necessary.
  2. Fill COMPLETELY one empty 500 mil (16 oz.) water bottle.
  3. Do not remove any debris, such as sediment, leaves, etc. from the bottle.
  4. Video yourself collecting the water. If this isn’t possible, video yourself holding the bottle immediately after collecting, be sure to video the surrounding environment.
  5. Take photos of the river and the surrounding environment, include selfies with you holding the river water bottle.
  6. Use your mobile phone to capture a screenshot of your GPS location.
  7. Before leaving the river, make sure the water bottle lid is tightly twisted and review all videos, images, and screenshots for clarity. Improperly documented rivers won’t enter the collection.
  1. Using packaging tape, reinforce the bottle lid by taping around it, like this. If available, you may also vacuum seal the entire bottle, like this.
  2. Place the bottle in a strong cardboard box, DO NOT use shipping envelopes. Fill empty space with newspaper or other packaging materials. The bottle should not move inside the box once closed and sealed.
  3. If you’re in Europe, use cheapest with tracking shipping option to mail package here:
    Dyon Wildman
    98a Lancaster Road,
    Notting Hill,
    London, W11 1QS
    United Kingdom
    P: +44 7538 148435
  4. All other locations, mail with inexpensive tracking to:
    Kuba Sheppard
    705 Main Street
    Unit 509
    Houston, Texas 77002
    P: +1 409-932-0362
  5. After shipping, e-mail tracking # and documentation to the River Mixer.
  • IS SHIPPING WATER ILLEGAL? It is not illegal to ship non-flammable, non-corrosive, non-explosive, non-odoriferous and non-hazardous liquids. You can confirm this locally. If asked, you want to ship “fresh water used for a spiritual pursuit which you collected and bottled yourself.”
  • WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE WATER, WILL YOU DRINK IT? We have no plans to drink the water. The water is part of a collection, which we will use for craft purposes.
  • WILL YOU TAKE LAKE, SEA, OCEAN, ETC. WATER? No, just river water.
  • CAN I CARRY WATER IN MY LUGGAGE? Yes, most airlines allow liquids to be transported in checked luggage only.
  • RIVERS ARE DIRTY, IS THIS IDEA SAFE? Very safe; however do not knowingly collect highly polluted/toxic river water. If you’re concerned or do not know, check with local authorities for more information.

Leave name and contact phone number and let us know which river you want to collect and river location (i.e. country). If you’re interested in a membership, use this form instead.